Friday, December 18, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
An Open Letter From Holland Davis
Dear Friends of Ocean Hills...
Over 5 1/2 years ago, Pastor Skip Heitzig invited Roxie and myself to partner with him in a great venture of faith called Ocean Hills Church. We had no idea what God had in store for us, but with excitement we came alongside of Pastor Skip and faithfully served to build a strong, healthy and vibrant ministry. When I arrived, we didn't have a sound engineer, we were lacking equipment, we didn't have musicians and within the first year we saw growth and stability. Today, Ocean Hills has a strong worship ministry with a media department that reaches the world through the internet, the ability to record live worship CD's and a well developed infrastructure that is ready for growth.
Our time has not been without challenges. When Pastor Skip received God's call to return to Calvary Albuquerque to bring health to a difficult situation, he asked me to stay and be a stabilizing factor at Ocean Hills. During the ensuing transition there were many faces in the pulpit, but Roxie and I remained a constant presence through our teaching, serving and leading God's people in fulfillment of Pastor Skip's request. This year that commitment was completed when the board announced Jim Nicol as Senior Pastor of Ocean Hills Church.
With so much accomplished, Roxie and I believe that a new season is upon us. It was the Apostle Paul that said… forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. (Phil 3:13b, 14, 12 NKJV).
Therefore, it is our strong conviction that God is leading us out of Ocean Hills into a new venture of faith. We have mixed emotions as we "lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of us." We have sorrow because we have fond memories of our time at Ocean Hills and we will miss worshipping with you all. We also have excitement as we move forward into the future. But most of all we have gratitude for the privilege of serving our Lord together.
We want to thank Pastor Skip Heitzig for inviting us to come. We serve well together and I look forward to continued opportunities to serve in the future. We want to thank the board of elders for inviting us to continue our service at Ocean Hills. We want to thank Pastor Jim Nicol for continued partnership in ministry at Ocean Hills. We especially want to thank over 50 staff and volunteers who I personally had the privilege of working side by side with each and every week. You make ministry such a joy and so easy to serve.
As we move forward into the future, we covet your prayers. We also encourage you to continue the work which was started by Pastor Skip and myself. Be a community of the Word, a community who worships and a community who serves in love.
Roxie and I look forward to seeing what the Lord will do in you and in us as we continue to walk according to His ways.
Over 5 1/2 years ago, Pastor Skip Heitzig invited Roxie and myself to partner with him in a great venture of faith called Ocean Hills Church. We had no idea what God had in store for us, but with excitement we came alongside of Pastor Skip and faithfully served to build a strong, healthy and vibrant ministry. When I arrived, we didn't have a sound engineer, we were lacking equipment, we didn't have musicians and within the first year we saw growth and stability. Today, Ocean Hills has a strong worship ministry with a media department that reaches the world through the internet, the ability to record live worship CD's and a well developed infrastructure that is ready for growth.
Our time has not been without challenges. When Pastor Skip received God's call to return to Calvary Albuquerque to bring health to a difficult situation, he asked me to stay and be a stabilizing factor at Ocean Hills. During the ensuing transition there were many faces in the pulpit, but Roxie and I remained a constant presence through our teaching, serving and leading God's people in fulfillment of Pastor Skip's request. This year that commitment was completed when the board announced Jim Nicol as Senior Pastor of Ocean Hills Church.
With so much accomplished, Roxie and I believe that a new season is upon us. It was the Apostle Paul that said… forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. (Phil 3:13b, 14, 12 NKJV).
Therefore, it is our strong conviction that God is leading us out of Ocean Hills into a new venture of faith. We have mixed emotions as we "lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of us." We have sorrow because we have fond memories of our time at Ocean Hills and we will miss worshipping with you all. We also have excitement as we move forward into the future. But most of all we have gratitude for the privilege of serving our Lord together.
We want to thank Pastor Skip Heitzig for inviting us to come. We serve well together and I look forward to continued opportunities to serve in the future. We want to thank the board of elders for inviting us to continue our service at Ocean Hills. We want to thank Pastor Jim Nicol for continued partnership in ministry at Ocean Hills. We especially want to thank over 50 staff and volunteers who I personally had the privilege of working side by side with each and every week. You make ministry such a joy and so easy to serve.
As we move forward into the future, we covet your prayers. We also encourage you to continue the work which was started by Pastor Skip and myself. Be a community of the Word, a community who worships and a community who serves in love.
Roxie and I look forward to seeing what the Lord will do in you and in us as we continue to walk according to His ways.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
To The Pure All Things Are Pure
Here is a devotional that I received from NLT...
Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure. But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and consciences are corrupted. Titus 1:15, NLT
Some people see good all around them, while others see nothing but evil. What is the difference? Our souls become filters through which we perceive goodness or evil. The pure (those who have Christ in control of their lives) learn to see goodness and purity even in this evil world. But corrupt and unbelieving people find evil in everything because their evil minds and hearts color even the good they see and hear.
Whatever you choose to fill your mind with will affect the way you think and act. Turn your thoughts to God and his Word, and you will discover more and more goodness, even in this evil world. A mind filled with good has little room for what is evil.
My thoughts....
I had a very wise pastor tell me that what you see in others and are emotionally charged about is really a reflection of what you see in yourself. If you are always accusing others of selfishness it's probably because there is selfishness in your own heart.
I have found that those who are most focused on purity and holiness are generally least pure and holy. Those who constantly see the worst in people and see every action in the most severe light are generally acting out of their own shame and guilt for something that they've done or has been done to them.
This is the power of the gospel. God so loves us that He gives us grace and mercy - not only to forgive, but to transform our lives into the very image of Himself. He exchanges the faulty lens that we see each other through and gives us His lens... His perspective.
That is the difference between walking in the flesh and walking in the Spirit. The flesh points out weakness, the Spirit points out Jesus. When the Spirit points out Jesus, the natural response is gratitude.
Is your heart full of accusations and pain for something that has happened to you? Then why don't you bring it to the cross and allow Jesus to give you His perspective. What is His perspective? To forgive those who did harm to Him and even provide for them a way of salvation. You might say... this is too hard. Let me say this... it's not too hard, it's impossible!!! But God empowers us by His Spirit to extend forgiveness and peace even to those who intend to harm us... for what they meant for evil, God means for good. As you allow Jesus to power through your life in forgiveness... watch gratitude and thanksgiving overflow from your life.
Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure. But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and consciences are corrupted. Titus 1:15, NLT
Some people see good all around them, while others see nothing but evil. What is the difference? Our souls become filters through which we perceive goodness or evil. The pure (those who have Christ in control of their lives) learn to see goodness and purity even in this evil world. But corrupt and unbelieving people find evil in everything because their evil minds and hearts color even the good they see and hear.
Whatever you choose to fill your mind with will affect the way you think and act. Turn your thoughts to God and his Word, and you will discover more and more goodness, even in this evil world. A mind filled with good has little room for what is evil.
My thoughts....
I had a very wise pastor tell me that what you see in others and are emotionally charged about is really a reflection of what you see in yourself. If you are always accusing others of selfishness it's probably because there is selfishness in your own heart.
I have found that those who are most focused on purity and holiness are generally least pure and holy. Those who constantly see the worst in people and see every action in the most severe light are generally acting out of their own shame and guilt for something that they've done or has been done to them.
This is the power of the gospel. God so loves us that He gives us grace and mercy - not only to forgive, but to transform our lives into the very image of Himself. He exchanges the faulty lens that we see each other through and gives us His lens... His perspective.
That is the difference between walking in the flesh and walking in the Spirit. The flesh points out weakness, the Spirit points out Jesus. When the Spirit points out Jesus, the natural response is gratitude.
Is your heart full of accusations and pain for something that has happened to you? Then why don't you bring it to the cross and allow Jesus to give you His perspective. What is His perspective? To forgive those who did harm to Him and even provide for them a way of salvation. You might say... this is too hard. Let me say this... it's not too hard, it's impossible!!! But God empowers us by His Spirit to extend forgiveness and peace even to those who intend to harm us... for what they meant for evil, God means for good. As you allow Jesus to power through your life in forgiveness... watch gratitude and thanksgiving overflow from your life.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Seven I AM Statements Of Jesus
The seven I AM statements being….
1. I Am the bread of life (John 6:35)
2. I Am the light of the world (John 8:12)
3. I Am the door for the sheep (John 10:7)
4. I Am the good shepherd (John 10:11)
5. I Am the resurrection and the life (John 11:25)
6. I Am the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6)
7. I Am the true vine (John 15:1)
In the gospel of John, Jesus makes seven powerful statements that describe who He is and what He came to do.
He is the bread of life... the One who sustains us and nourishes us
He is the light of the world... the One who guides, directs and exposes darkness
He is the door for the sheep... He's the way in and the way on
He is the good shepherd... the One who leads us to safe places, who protects and cares for us
He is the resurrection and the Life... the One who brings life to us, who enlivens us with resurrection life
He is the way, the truth and the life... His Word alone is true, He defines us, directs us and empowers you
He is the true vine... we can't live without the constant flow of life from His Spirit
I want to encourage you to meditate on these I AM Statements over the next seven weeks as we move into the New Year. Do a little private study and let's go into 2010 with an accurate view of Jesus who loves us with an everlasting love.
1. I Am the bread of life (John 6:35)
2. I Am the light of the world (John 8:12)
3. I Am the door for the sheep (John 10:7)
4. I Am the good shepherd (John 10:11)
5. I Am the resurrection and the life (John 11:25)
6. I Am the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6)
7. I Am the true vine (John 15:1)
In the gospel of John, Jesus makes seven powerful statements that describe who He is and what He came to do.
He is the bread of life... the One who sustains us and nourishes us
He is the light of the world... the One who guides, directs and exposes darkness
He is the door for the sheep... He's the way in and the way on
He is the good shepherd... the One who leads us to safe places, who protects and cares for us
He is the resurrection and the Life... the One who brings life to us, who enlivens us with resurrection life
He is the way, the truth and the life... His Word alone is true, He defines us, directs us and empowers you
He is the true vine... we can't live without the constant flow of life from His Spirit
I want to encourage you to meditate on these I AM Statements over the next seven weeks as we move into the New Year. Do a little private study and let's go into 2010 with an accurate view of Jesus who loves us with an everlasting love.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Check out Life in HD at
Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
This next week we begin chapter 8 of Romans in our Thursday study. It's one of my favorite chapters in the Bible because it speaks of life in the Spirit for the believer. Chapter 8 begins with the declaration that there is "NO CONDEMNATION" for those who are "IN CHRIST." And it ends with... "NO SEPARATION" from God's love. What a powerful statement!!!
How often do we relate to God on the basis of what we see or experience in life as opposed to who He actually is and the relationship that we actually have with Him? We can either see life from our perspective... like an unfinished work of art... confused... disjointed... lacking clarity... out of focus.... incomplete.... or we can see life from the perspective of our heavenly Father who sees us as a finished work. The eye of the artist sees the end from the beginning and works until his vision emerges and is complete.
It's almost as if we look at good things as being blessings from God and bad things as being judgment or condemnation from God. But according to Paul... there is no condemnation and because there is no condemnation... there is nothing that can separate us from God's love - NOTHING. In the Greek it literally means... NO THING. That means your sin no longer separates you (it's been settled at the cross), your guilt, your shame, your bad decisions, your good decisions... nothing separates you... nothing condemns you... this is the life of the Spirit that we are called to live. This is REAL LIFE for the believer. This is AUTHENTICITY for the believer. Our view of reality needs to line up with God's view of reality.
Roxie and I have been listening to a recording of a prophecy that was sung and then spoken over us in 1985. What has been interesting to me is that the Lord has fulfilled His word to us with precision that we could have never understood 25 years ago, but today we see the evidence of His leading. Exact phrases, scriptures quoted, even a sequence of events... all pointing to one reality, one truth... God's plan has been unfolding all along just as He told us. For me it gives me such a confidence and assurance that regardless of what I see with my own eyes - and even call "real"... really has no bearing on whether or not God will bring His Word to pass in my life. I often say - this circumstance or that situation or even that person has no bearing on my future... because God will unfold the plans He has for my future in my life according to His Word.
Jeremiah prophesies to us... I know the plans I have for you says the Lord... God knows His plans for us. So... even if I don't understand the plan, even if I don't see the plan, even if I loose hope in the plan... God knows the plan!!! And it's a plan to bless us, to give us a future and a hope.
Now I admit... it is hard to see from God's perspective. It challenges my unbelief. It challenges me to give up what I "see" with my own eyes in order to grasp a hold of the promises of God. It challenges me to give up my unbelief and my own thoughts or opinions of how things are going to unfold in my life and it brings me to the place of TOTAL SURRENDER!!! Lord, I know You've promised... now I wait for you to fulfill Your Word in my life. What a place to be!!!
Roxie and I have been in this place for some time... being faithful to the work that He has called us to. Sometimes it's been so much fun... great fellowship... great friendships... Sometimes it's been painful and confusing. We've invested in folks only to see them move through our lives to other ministries where they are being a blessing. There's a joy in seeing the fruit of our co-laboring with God. We love seeing people step into the life that God has created them to live. But if I'm honest, I do miss my fellow travelers - especially those who have moved on to other places. Like Paul wrote... Paul planted, Apollos watered and God gave the increase. Some we've invested in only to see them fall away from the Lord. That is heart breaking.
I guess the biggest lesson for us has been this... I no longer need to know how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together... I no longer need to know how it's all going to end up... I can rest in the reality that God will fulfill His Word in my life and whatever He makes of my life is really His part. My part is to simply fall in love with Jesus and serve Him with everything within me and to love those that He places in my life for whatever season we walk together.
I can only do this when I rest in the reality that there is nothing that condemns me... nothing that separates me from God's love... that He is doing His work through me and all I need to do is simply rest in His love.
Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
This next week we begin chapter 8 of Romans in our Thursday study. It's one of my favorite chapters in the Bible because it speaks of life in the Spirit for the believer. Chapter 8 begins with the declaration that there is "NO CONDEMNATION" for those who are "IN CHRIST." And it ends with... "NO SEPARATION" from God's love. What a powerful statement!!!
How often do we relate to God on the basis of what we see or experience in life as opposed to who He actually is and the relationship that we actually have with Him? We can either see life from our perspective... like an unfinished work of art... confused... disjointed... lacking clarity... out of focus.... incomplete.... or we can see life from the perspective of our heavenly Father who sees us as a finished work. The eye of the artist sees the end from the beginning and works until his vision emerges and is complete.
It's almost as if we look at good things as being blessings from God and bad things as being judgment or condemnation from God. But according to Paul... there is no condemnation and because there is no condemnation... there is nothing that can separate us from God's love - NOTHING. In the Greek it literally means... NO THING. That means your sin no longer separates you (it's been settled at the cross), your guilt, your shame, your bad decisions, your good decisions... nothing separates you... nothing condemns you... this is the life of the Spirit that we are called to live. This is REAL LIFE for the believer. This is AUTHENTICITY for the believer. Our view of reality needs to line up with God's view of reality.
Roxie and I have been listening to a recording of a prophecy that was sung and then spoken over us in 1985. What has been interesting to me is that the Lord has fulfilled His word to us with precision that we could have never understood 25 years ago, but today we see the evidence of His leading. Exact phrases, scriptures quoted, even a sequence of events... all pointing to one reality, one truth... God's plan has been unfolding all along just as He told us. For me it gives me such a confidence and assurance that regardless of what I see with my own eyes - and even call "real"... really has no bearing on whether or not God will bring His Word to pass in my life. I often say - this circumstance or that situation or even that person has no bearing on my future... because God will unfold the plans He has for my future in my life according to His Word.
Jeremiah prophesies to us... I know the plans I have for you says the Lord... God knows His plans for us. So... even if I don't understand the plan, even if I don't see the plan, even if I loose hope in the plan... God knows the plan!!! And it's a plan to bless us, to give us a future and a hope.
Now I admit... it is hard to see from God's perspective. It challenges my unbelief. It challenges me to give up what I "see" with my own eyes in order to grasp a hold of the promises of God. It challenges me to give up my unbelief and my own thoughts or opinions of how things are going to unfold in my life and it brings me to the place of TOTAL SURRENDER!!! Lord, I know You've promised... now I wait for you to fulfill Your Word in my life. What a place to be!!!
Roxie and I have been in this place for some time... being faithful to the work that He has called us to. Sometimes it's been so much fun... great fellowship... great friendships... Sometimes it's been painful and confusing. We've invested in folks only to see them move through our lives to other ministries where they are being a blessing. There's a joy in seeing the fruit of our co-laboring with God. We love seeing people step into the life that God has created them to live. But if I'm honest, I do miss my fellow travelers - especially those who have moved on to other places. Like Paul wrote... Paul planted, Apollos watered and God gave the increase. Some we've invested in only to see them fall away from the Lord. That is heart breaking.
I guess the biggest lesson for us has been this... I no longer need to know how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together... I no longer need to know how it's all going to end up... I can rest in the reality that God will fulfill His Word in my life and whatever He makes of my life is really His part. My part is to simply fall in love with Jesus and serve Him with everything within me and to love those that He places in my life for whatever season we walk together.
I can only do this when I rest in the reality that there is nothing that condemns me... nothing that separates me from God's love... that He is doing His work through me and all I need to do is simply rest in His love.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Happy Birthday to my beautiful bride!!!
Check out my blog Life in HD at...
Today is my wife Roxie's birthday... this morning I was reflecting on the story of how we met and the prayer that I prayed to the Lord in asking for a wife. In those days I was a young, up and coming preacher in the making. I led worship at the Calvary Chapel in Escondido, Ca. I taught a Bible study that had 40 to 50 people in it of all ages. I was in a Christian Rock band that was doing really well... but in my heart I wanted a wife. So I prayed for someone that loved the Lord, but wasn't religious, was independent and loved old Rock and Roll... don't ask why... I still can't figure it out. Well... Roxie was the answer to that prayer and she fit every description to a tee.
I remember playing country dance music for a friend of mine who got married in Julian. In between sets, my pastor came up to me and said he really needed to talk to me. I thought I was in trouble for playing country music because I was the worship leader of the church!!! We were down in the basement where the refreshments were and he said... do you know that girl Roxie in the church? I didn't know her name and I said... no. He said, she's really cute and she dresses sharp. I knew instantly who he was talking about. He said to me... she's got the hots for you... you need to go for it!!! He then told me about the relationship she was in that wasn't healthy for her as a Christian.
So... as an obedient man of God under the direction of my pastor - I went for it. Only it wasn't as easy as I thought. Every time I would try to meet her it wouldn't work out. We'd go to restaurants, but the group was so big we couldn't sit by each other. It was torture. One day I heard she was sick with strep throat. So I took a friend of mine - Mark Dupont - and we went over to pray for her. Mark and I were prayer partners and ministered together frequently. As we were praying, Mark said open your mouth. So she did. Mark stuck his finger in her mouth and said in the name of Jesus be healed. She literally had a severe and gross infection on the back of her throat and by the next morning, she was completely healed. Not only that, but it has never come back. After that, I invited her to come see my play at a local Christian Coffee House called His Place Restaurant. Afterwards we went to the local Denny's and the rest is history.
One memory that really sticks out was the Holiness Unto The Lord Conference at Vineyard Anaheim. There was this old methodist preacher by the name of Leonard Ravenhill. He would open every session with a hymn and I discovered that Roxie knew every stanza of every hymn. I never knew that not only had I married a lady who had an intense love for God, but she had a legacy of parents, grandparents, etc. that had a rich vocabulary of worship and a deep reverence for God... although there wasn't a religious bone in her body.
She still continues to amaze me to this day. There are moments where I'm at my lowest point and she will leave me a voice mail that will be straight from the throne of heaven. There are times where I'm feeling weak and she will lovingly give me that word that motivates me to keep going. Usually it sounds like nagging... but I've learned to interpret it in light of Christ in her!!!
We would often have people pray over us - not because we ask for it - but because they felt led by God to do it... one of the pictures that God used to describe Roxie is that she is an exotic Bird of Paradise. Unique, beautiful, not-common, special, exotic... that describes Roxie. We have now been together longer than we were single and I am growing to love her more and more each day.
So to my beloved bride and closest companion... my friend and lover... my wife and the mother of our kids... I wish you to a Happy Birthday!!!
Today is my wife Roxie's birthday... this morning I was reflecting on the story of how we met and the prayer that I prayed to the Lord in asking for a wife. In those days I was a young, up and coming preacher in the making. I led worship at the Calvary Chapel in Escondido, Ca. I taught a Bible study that had 40 to 50 people in it of all ages. I was in a Christian Rock band that was doing really well... but in my heart I wanted a wife. So I prayed for someone that loved the Lord, but wasn't religious, was independent and loved old Rock and Roll... don't ask why... I still can't figure it out. Well... Roxie was the answer to that prayer and she fit every description to a tee.
I remember playing country dance music for a friend of mine who got married in Julian. In between sets, my pastor came up to me and said he really needed to talk to me. I thought I was in trouble for playing country music because I was the worship leader of the church!!! We were down in the basement where the refreshments were and he said... do you know that girl Roxie in the church? I didn't know her name and I said... no. He said, she's really cute and she dresses sharp. I knew instantly who he was talking about. He said to me... she's got the hots for you... you need to go for it!!! He then told me about the relationship she was in that wasn't healthy for her as a Christian.
So... as an obedient man of God under the direction of my pastor - I went for it. Only it wasn't as easy as I thought. Every time I would try to meet her it wouldn't work out. We'd go to restaurants, but the group was so big we couldn't sit by each other. It was torture. One day I heard she was sick with strep throat. So I took a friend of mine - Mark Dupont - and we went over to pray for her. Mark and I were prayer partners and ministered together frequently. As we were praying, Mark said open your mouth. So she did. Mark stuck his finger in her mouth and said in the name of Jesus be healed. She literally had a severe and gross infection on the back of her throat and by the next morning, she was completely healed. Not only that, but it has never come back. After that, I invited her to come see my play at a local Christian Coffee House called His Place Restaurant. Afterwards we went to the local Denny's and the rest is history.
One memory that really sticks out was the Holiness Unto The Lord Conference at Vineyard Anaheim. There was this old methodist preacher by the name of Leonard Ravenhill. He would open every session with a hymn and I discovered that Roxie knew every stanza of every hymn. I never knew that not only had I married a lady who had an intense love for God, but she had a legacy of parents, grandparents, etc. that had a rich vocabulary of worship and a deep reverence for God... although there wasn't a religious bone in her body.
She still continues to amaze me to this day. There are moments where I'm at my lowest point and she will leave me a voice mail that will be straight from the throne of heaven. There are times where I'm feeling weak and she will lovingly give me that word that motivates me to keep going. Usually it sounds like nagging... but I've learned to interpret it in light of Christ in her!!!
We would often have people pray over us - not because we ask for it - but because they felt led by God to do it... one of the pictures that God used to describe Roxie is that she is an exotic Bird of Paradise. Unique, beautiful, not-common, special, exotic... that describes Roxie. We have now been together longer than we were single and I am growing to love her more and more each day.
So to my beloved bride and closest companion... my friend and lover... my wife and the mother of our kids... I wish you to a Happy Birthday!!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I heard a message by one of my favorite preachers... he's a radical grace preacher by the name of Joseph Prince. He talked about how God will often allow us to repeat life experiences and situations until we learn the lesson that He is trying to teach us through the situation.
I think additionally that there are life messages that God gives us. They become the story of our life and the message God wants us to bring to people in need. I think for me... one of my life messages parallels the story of Joseph... here is the part I'm keying in on...
4 Then Joseph said to his brothers, "Come close to me." When they had done so, he said, "I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! 5 And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. 6 For two years now there has been famine in the land, and for the next five years there will not be plowing and reaping. 7 But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance.
Now... if you notice, Joseph tells his brothers that God sent him ahead of them to bless them. When I read my Bible - I see that Joseph was sold into slavery, was carted off to Egypt like a piece of property, was framed for a crime he didn't commit, thrown into one of the worst prisons one could imagine, was lied to, forgotten, abused and rejected by his own family.... and yet, he didn't blame his brothers, he didn't seek revenge, he didn't claim to be a victim in this life... but instead he simply says...
8 "So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God.
So radically transformed was Joseph's heart that he would eventually tell his brothers...
20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
Now that is transformation!!!
How often do we want to blame those in our life for the way our lives turn out? How often do we want to judge what God is doing in our hearts while we're mid-stream instead of trusting God and allowing Him to complete the work in us? How often do we take matters in our own hands simply because we really don't believe that God loves us?
As I've pondered over the last few years of my life in ministry, I realize there have been times when I wanted to fix blame and hold others accountable for things that happened in my life - all the while not really understanding that the person that I was ultimately dealing with was God Himself. If my life belongs completely to Him, then it really is His will in my life - no longer I who live, but Christ in me. If my life is completely surrendered to Him and I am truly His servant - then the real test comes when I am treated like I am His servant. How do I respond?
Maybe you can relate to the story of Joseph. Maybe you have people in your life who are jealous over you and so they seek to wear you down or even undermine your ability to perform. Maybe you are in a situation where you are being falsely accused or even fired unjustly.
Whatever the situation is... allow God to work in you as He did in Joseph. To give you the perspective of His Kingdom. The perspective that allows you to see His hand leading and directing you and not bringing harm to you. The perspective that allows you to see how He takes ALL things in your life to work together for your good. The perspective that allows you to see God's plan in the bigger picture.... and remember that no matter what you're going through it has no bearing on your future!!!
I think additionally that there are life messages that God gives us. They become the story of our life and the message God wants us to bring to people in need. I think for me... one of my life messages parallels the story of Joseph... here is the part I'm keying in on...
4 Then Joseph said to his brothers, "Come close to me." When they had done so, he said, "I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! 5 And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. 6 For two years now there has been famine in the land, and for the next five years there will not be plowing and reaping. 7 But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance.
Now... if you notice, Joseph tells his brothers that God sent him ahead of them to bless them. When I read my Bible - I see that Joseph was sold into slavery, was carted off to Egypt like a piece of property, was framed for a crime he didn't commit, thrown into one of the worst prisons one could imagine, was lied to, forgotten, abused and rejected by his own family.... and yet, he didn't blame his brothers, he didn't seek revenge, he didn't claim to be a victim in this life... but instead he simply says...
8 "So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God.
So radically transformed was Joseph's heart that he would eventually tell his brothers...
20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
Now that is transformation!!!
How often do we want to blame those in our life for the way our lives turn out? How often do we want to judge what God is doing in our hearts while we're mid-stream instead of trusting God and allowing Him to complete the work in us? How often do we take matters in our own hands simply because we really don't believe that God loves us?
As I've pondered over the last few years of my life in ministry, I realize there have been times when I wanted to fix blame and hold others accountable for things that happened in my life - all the while not really understanding that the person that I was ultimately dealing with was God Himself. If my life belongs completely to Him, then it really is His will in my life - no longer I who live, but Christ in me. If my life is completely surrendered to Him and I am truly His servant - then the real test comes when I am treated like I am His servant. How do I respond?
Maybe you can relate to the story of Joseph. Maybe you have people in your life who are jealous over you and so they seek to wear you down or even undermine your ability to perform. Maybe you are in a situation where you are being falsely accused or even fired unjustly.
Whatever the situation is... allow God to work in you as He did in Joseph. To give you the perspective of His Kingdom. The perspective that allows you to see His hand leading and directing you and not bringing harm to you. The perspective that allows you to see how He takes ALL things in your life to work together for your good. The perspective that allows you to see God's plan in the bigger picture.... and remember that no matter what you're going through it has no bearing on your future!!!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
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