Thursday, February 24, 2011


"not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit,whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior" (Titus 3:5,6)Online Giving

Our website says, WORSHIP LIFE CALVARY CHAPEL is a community of faith, hope and love under the Lordship of Jesus Christ who desire to know God through His WORD, love God through our WORSHIP and reflect God through our WITNESS. We want to be a church that understands worship. That loves to worship. That lives a life of worship. I believe we were created to be worshippers. Everything that we do as believers is really an act of worship. Evangelism is declaring the greatness of God to those who don't yet have a relationship with Him. Encouragement is reminding each other of God's greatness in our lives. Even the study of the Word of God is for us to get to know God intimately which results in expressions of worship. Worship is the central purpose of the Church.

Graham Kendrick, the founder of March For Jesus, says that everybody worships. Whether it is a hero, possessions, success, pleasure, a political cause, a carved idol or oneself, the way we live and behave makes evident the things we love and give ourselves to. It is in our very nature to worship, and that inner drive is God-given; the disaster is that as part of a fallen race, we have replaced the object of our worship. To be converted to faith in Jesus Christ is to return to the worship of the true God, and to dethrone all rivals to His authority. The very heart of worship is the giving, not only of our talents and goods, but of our very selves. The very words used for worship in the Bible are not adjectives or nouns, but verbs. Verbs mean action. Worship is not something we watch, it's something we do. It's a full contact sport.
My prayer for you is that you will discover how much God loves You. That you will experience the heighth, the depth, the width, the breadth of His love and in doing so that you will become a passionate worshipper of God. God loves to make worshippers out of rebels. He loves to make believers out of doubters. He's in the business of busting down all the myths that we believe about Him and setting us free to follow Him with everything that is within us. The primary way He does that is through His Word. I want to encourage you to go through the Bible this year with us. Let His Word get into your life and watch how it will transform you into a passionate worshipper of God.
We have started webcasting our services. You can view them at USTREAM. You can also catch up on studies that you've missed or perhaps your following us from a distance at VIMEO. We appreciate all the emails, tweets and facebook posts. They are a great encouragement to us.

Roxie and I are praying for you...

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